Question about King's Fall glitches (Destiny)

by Oholiab @, Sunday, January 03, 2016, 17:01 (3342 days ago)

To those who payed with Junior and I when we ran into the glitches during the Oryx fight (or anyone else who might be able to shed light on the question):

Both Junior and I still have the Oryx checkpoint. Do you think it would be worth trying again on that checkpoint? Or is the consensus that we need to restart the entire raid to avoid all the glitches?

As background for those who weren't there, our team made it to Oryx and executed well (we exploded at least 16 orb-things), but his behavior was unexpected. Sometimes he would take NO damage after exploding all four orbs that round and maintaining consistent damage. The "thunderdome" round would spawn when it should have been missiles, and vice versa. He would wipe us with his "clap slam" without being enraged or otherwise without warning.

We DID complete the Golgoroth challenge during the course of getting to Oryx. Might this have been the cause of the glitches later in the raid?

Needless to say, it was pretty disappointing since Junior and I have yet to complete this raid. I would really like to finish him off from the checkpoint, rather than from the beginning. Thank you to UpNorth, Beardfade, Monochron, Funkmon, and ChaosSociety for helping us get as far as we did!

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