
I've never cared (Gaming)

by Durandal, Wednesday, January 06, 2016, 18:01 (3042 days ago) @ slycrel

The main character's gender has never been a major factor for me as long as the character themselves is interesting. It is nice to be able to customize all aspects of a player avatar, but I think it's a bit worthless to have a female lead who's defining trait is bragging about her gender. We've had awesome 80s/90s female characters like Ripley from Aliens, Lewis from Robocop and Sara Conner from Terminator and no one blinks an eye because the characters have intrinsic interest outside their gender. Most Bond girls on the other hand are pretty forgettable because they are defined mostly by their gender.

From the games side we have had interesting female leads, or the option for them, for some time. It's mainly been the slow realization that boys will play girl characters, and girls will play boy characters, that is the major change.

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