
We already HAVE Destiny v2.0.x (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, January 22, 2016, 16:39 (3322 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

Agreed. And I think the way Bungie has talked about TTK in official circles (interviews, on show floors, ect) where they refer to it as "Destiny: The Taken King" as if it is a new product rather than talking about TTK as DLC speaks to the idea that there may never be a Destiny sequel. Look too at the way Destiny's back end has received steady improvement. No one thing is major, but stuff like changing the aiming / shooting system to have make more use of the Range stat so as to give Auto Rifles a place again, or the multiple not-insignificant tweaks to the matchmaking systems and Quest display systems and UI over the last year and a half...

Maybe there will be a sequel and maybe there won't, but one thing is clear: Bungie has not developed Destiny like they did Halo. The amount of new front end content and back end fixes that have come out for Destiny dwarf any Halo release.

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