
Thanks. (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, January 22, 2016, 19:03 (3322 days ago) @ cheapLEY

We're all still over here debating whether we're getting Destiny 2 or whether we already got it with The Taken King. That's nothing but terrible communication, and that frustrates me more than just about anything else about Destiny. What purpose is served by them hiding simple things like that from us?

The term "Destiny 2" was invented by the community, and the community has its own pie-in-the-sky opinion of what Destiny 2 will be. Thing is, AFAIK, Bungie has never said there will be a Destiny 2 (please correct me if I'm wrong). This has put Bungie in a no-win situation when it comes to talking about Destiny 2. If Bungie says, "there is no such thing as Destiny 2" the community will rage, if Bungie says, "TTK was Destiny 2" then the community will rage that it wasn't enough to deserve the label Destiny 2. So what do they do? Cue the dating analogy: Like a 'nice' girl who doesn't want to hurt your feelings they're avoiding confrontation and are dropping hints instead, hoping that the community will clue in. One hint was when they gave TTK a version # of 2.0. Personally, I prefer a girl just be blunt and straight up reject me instead of hinting around and dragging it out when I'm too dense to clue in.

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