
Not odd at all. Revised schedule speculation. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Saturday, January 23, 2016, 05:32 (3322 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I was trying to form an argument that it's important that we know whether we're getting a full blown Destiny 2, or just 9 more years of TTK style expansions, but I don't actually think it's all that important. It just feels odd that they don't just come out and say it. I get that saying something publicly, and then doing something different because plans change can get the internet fired up like just about nothing else can, so I sort of get why they don't just tells us what is going on, but it's still really frustrating.

It is EXACTLY because of stuff like this that they don't. They're having their feet held to the fire for failing to meet the tentative release schedule in an old contract leaked by legal action.

If they aren't saying now how many more DLCs there are, or when the next title launches, or whether the whole thing is going to be done differently from now on, it's because they don't exactly know the precise answers to what and how and when. When they do, with probably more than a reasonable degree of confidence, I expect they'll do so, but if they come out now with parameters and release dates and then fail to hit them, it's just inviting the press, Reddit and others to pile on.

Most people were expecting a new game this fall. I think they'd expect some sort of announcement or confirmation before that.

Destiny was announced in February 2013 for an initial expected release for the end of that year-- a release they did not make.

So if Destiny 2 was on the current schedule, but slipped a year, and Bungie was as confident now as they were then, then they might announce Destiny 2 next month. Of course, Destiny 1 did NOT ship that year, it shipped a year later. Which may just mean they were a year behind where they thought they were, which puts the schedule back a year, or that every phase in the schedule underestimated the time required by a year.

That would make the revised schedule look like:

Destiny 1 Fall 2014
Destiny 2 Fall 2017
Destiny 3 Fall 2020
Destiny 4 Fall 2023

So that's where people are getting their Fall 2016 expectation from.

The Comet releases were scheduled for the in-between years:

Comet 1 Fall 2014
Comet 2 Fall 2016
Comet 3 Fall 2018
Comet 4 Fall 2020

Again, to compensate for one more year development time for each main title, it would be:

Comet 1 Fall 2015
Comet 2 Fall 2018
Comet 3 Fall 2021
Comet 4 Fall 2024

In this case, we might not expect any news about Destiny 2 until next year, but realistically, since people are expecting it out this year, they'll probably have at most until late summer to say whether or not something is coming out this year before the whining becomes deafening.

I sort of like the idea of the tight initial schedule that provides a constant stream of new content, such that when you're done with one, the next one is already up. The gap between House of Wolves and Taken King felt like that to me. It's okay to take a break and play something else for awhile, though.

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