
Difference is that Destiny could have lived up to the hype.. (Off-Topic)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, January 29, 2016, 13:20 (3060 days ago) @ Funkmon

I've played literally some of The Division, a new video game people are already calling "a game like Destiny."

A lot of the parts of the games appear to be similar. Gun mods, perks, abilities, open world co op crap.

However, there is a huge difference: Destiny is fun.

People here and there complaining about Destiny don't seem to account for the fact that every second of shooting and running around and sparrowing is fun as heck. Opening chests is fun. Decrypting engrams is fun. Every second of actual gameplay of Destiny was meticulously designed to be fun and pleasing.

Division looked like it has amazing potential in the beginning, but then the Ubisoft reality kicked in. The Alpha footage looked extremely boring and unfocused, and little that Has come from the devs is encouraging. Rather than focusing on how good it could be or what people are looking forward to, everyone is comparing it to Destiny, and focusing on how it "won't be Destiny".

The game is far too overhyped, and I feel sorry for the devs because of this. The game will be reviewed with Destiny in mind, and that is going to hurt it. I predict middling reviews; 6.5-8.0.

It'd be surprising if I'm proven wrong, though.

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