
I don't want to wonder about getting shot... (Off-Topic)

by Durandal, Friday, January 29, 2016, 14:43 (3060 days ago) @ Xenos

" For example the Dark Zone is a lot more fun than I expected. Lots of tense moments when you encounter other agents and wonder if they are going to kill you"

This drives me crazy. There are plenty of people better then me at PVP, in fact there are at least eight thousand given what I can tell from guardian.gg. I don't want to struggle with a difficult PVE encounter only to have some jerk swoop in and steal my stuff.

I don't miss the griefing from World Of Warcraft's open world PVP at all. Stupid high level rogues one shotting you in the middle of killing a rare mob, or waves of invincible enemy players wiping out a town where I need to turn in a quest. Or even having to PVP just to get into an instance to raid that night. I don't miss any of that frustration.

Everything I hear about the Division is that the game play and story are so so, and I am still considering trying it out but I keep getting back to having to go into PVP zones where everyone hides behind crates and then steals your loot. For a game that wants me to spend lots of time in it that is such a deal breaker.

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