
Thats... like... your opinion man. (Off-Topic)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, February 02, 2016, 03:19 (3056 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Destiny was fun. Once. The 300th time I'm supposed to kill that strike boss for a mythical loot drop that I'll never actually see is not fun, it's work. Which is why I don't do strikes anymore. Destiny is 10% awesome, 20% fun, and 70% work. Unfortunately they front-load on the fun so you spend the rest of your gameplay chasing the dragon.

Maybe you spend all your time chasing dragons, but not everyone does. Heroic Strikes are my favorite part of Destiny. The newer and redone Strikes can actually pose a challenge while the matchmaking usually ensures I have someone to help me along and people I can assist. It's the simple fun of being able to pickup and play a set of decent, enjoyable missions when I'm not feeling competitive or don't have hours to Raid.

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