
Thats... like... your opinion man. (Off-Topic)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, February 02, 2016, 06:33 (3056 days ago) @ Funkmon

I actually spend very little time chasing dragons these days. I'm basically a pure pvp player now. But I feel the pull of the dark side tempting me with challenge mode loot that I don't really want just because *numbers*. Not gonna do it. So sick of LFG groups complaining about their 13 yo GF who won't hold hands in public or whatever. UGH.

I love this stuff. Teenagers are cool, and I like giving them life advice.

No, this wasn't a "please give me advice" sort of chat, it was a very high pitched voice saying:

"yeah bro, it's cool. She's at like 7-11 or something just waiting for me to show up and buy her a slurpee but I ain't gonna 'cause I'm here sherpaing you weak asses through warpriest" (immediately dies) "Man you guys suck. That's why you don't have girlfriends and I do. Anyway, so she won't hold hands with me even though we're totally dating" (dies again) "which is bullshit, you know? Like who doesn't hold hands? We're practically in high school and. Oh, what the fuck? Why am I dead again? God you guys suck at this game."

For the first 5 minutes I was laughing because I thought it was a joke. Nope.

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