
Go home, Korny... You're drunk ;) (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, June 09, 2016, 17:31 (2938 days ago) @ Earendil

There's no way this expansion is the same size as TTK. Not that there's anything wrong with that... I'm really happy with how it's looking so far. But with only 1 new strike, RoI will certainly be smaller in scale than TTK. Sounds larger than TDB or HoW, though... $30 seems like the right price to me :)

Why does it having only one strike mean it's smaller than TTK? While the replayability of strikes is good, they rarely represent all that much new content or space, and almost zero story. There are a hand full of strikes I'd trade for a story mission, raid area, or social space without a second thought.

It's just extrapolation on my part, but so far you can look at the number of new strikes included with each content release as a sort of barometer for the size of the update. TDB, HoW, and the April Update all had 1 or 2 strikes, TTK had 4 (I think? Can't remember exactly), Vanilla had 7 or 8 (something like that).

It's far from an exact science, but it is a trend.

That being said, I care far less about the amount of content than I do about the quality of the content. TTK was a much smaller game than vanilla, but it felt "larger" in many ways because of the quality of the missions and quests.

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