
And Hunter tweaks... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, June 13, 2016, 23:36 (3178 days ago) @ Funkmon

Besides the tripmine, this all seems all right.

As a tripmine gunslinger, I'm okay with the tripmine change. It was hands down bar none the best hunter grenade (and second best grenade in the game, imo, next to lightning grenade). This will open up the playbook for many more varied and lower armor specs, and reduce trip mine use. It also opens up gunslingers to run something other than young ahamkara spine as their exotic armor (though that puts me in a bind since all my gear is based around using that item). The one problem I see is that the damage nerf puts the grenade down so low that it will no longer OHK players with more than 2 armor, which is trivial. The grenade is now a damage assist, and not a true trap or deterrent. Incendiary is going to be the way to go from here on out.

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