
Whoa, easy there Tex... (DBO)

by BlackstarBSP, Sunday, July 31, 2016, 22:54 (2996 days ago) @ Claude Errera

You make it sound like you think there is "a" setting that is perfect for all systems; that there must be something wrong with my setup (you used the words "too bright" in a few places, and this suggestion that my inputs might be wrong). You seem to be ignoring the fact that all calibration needs to be done with respect to the environment that the screen is being used in.
My settings are CLEARLY darker than yours - but that doesn't make them 'wrong', or set to an incorrect color space - it means my environment is different than yours.

I'm not making anything 'sound like' anything nor am I ignoring anything regarding TV calibrations. Nowhere in any of my posts did I say there is a 'perfect setting' people should use, or ones other people (or you use) are 'wrong'. As I stated in this earlier post:

What may account for the discrepancy between the recordings is if Claude's HDTV/Monitor is too bright and he's compensated for it by turning down Destiny's own brightness settings.

It may look completely normal to him during gameplay, but the Xbox is recording the darker Destiny footage.

I simply noticed a discrepancy in the two recordings brightness and thought of a potential explanation.

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