i really really don't know what to think about supremacy (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, October 07, 2016, 10:13 (3061 days ago) @ Schedonnardus
edited by someotherguy, Friday, October 07, 2016, 10:22

Supremacy is strange. I feel like its probably because matchmaking, but people seem to forget Destiny's base mechanics and how to control a spawn. They're all too busy rushing around with a shotgun and Jugg Shield, trading kills or getting surrounded (or flipping the spawns so it's impossible to hold a position).

Part of me likes that it's so much more mobile, but I don't enjoy how frequently I'll push up with a group of blueberries desparate to pick up crests (god forbid you hang back and get instantly teamshot by people spawning behind you) only to have them scatter and sll die individual, horrible deaths.

I also don't like that it seems to encourage behaviour that would otherwise be considered poor play. Rushing endlessly with a shotgun is fine if you have two friends with you doing the same, because when one or two of you is killed, the crest is denied immediately by the third. Ive seen my team do this and the three players had abysmally low K/D but it didn't matter be ause they only had to kill and collect from one person to break even. Meanwhile ranged teamshooting engagements earn very few points as both teams take it in turns dying and denying with no one able to pick up any crests. In fact ranged engagements (like the inevitable mid-map one on Icarus) seem only to serve the purpose of seeing whose stormcaller or hammerbro can get their super first.

None of which is inherently bad. It's just kind of awkward.

Edit: I also feel that I spend much more time hiding or running to recover my health than normal, which is actually kind of cool. In most gametypes if I kill three then die that's a win. In Supremacy that's completely worthless unless you can get the crests. Sadly it seems Destiny's maps are nkt actually well built for cowering (I've been shot from angles I was certain I was safe fron more times than I can count) but it's a cool changeup from the norm.

Double Edit: I seem to be having a lot of triuble with my radar this IB. Maybe it's all the shotguns, but the number of times my radar has been clear exceot for a lone red blip, only to get shot from three different directions is staggering. Luckily it doesnt matter because ranged combat is meaningless in Supremacy, but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed/struggled with this?

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