
Shotguns and John Wick (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, February 13, 2017, 16:31 (2932 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I feel like it would be cool if shotguns worked in Destiny like they did in John Wick 2. Really powerful, but leave you very vulnerable. Kind of like 4th horseman. Maybe part of the problem is the reload speed not being slow enough.

Long guns of all varieties are grossly more powerful in real life than they are as portrayed in Destiny (most video games, really). The range on a shotgun is orders of magnitude longer than in the game. A good "scout rifle" or DMR should be accurate out to 1500 feet, which is bigger than most maps in the game (most games, really). A sniper rifle can hit a target a mile away. Of course, they're also far less lethal when it comes to extremity damage. There's only so many shotgun blasts to the legs that you can take before you don't have legs any more. Assuming you're smart with a tourniquet (Zip ties built in to your armor, as modern soldiers have), you'll survive that in real life (though not really be in fighting shape).

So realism kind of goes out the door for an FPS unless you're really trying to make a straight sim game.

That being said, JW2 was a badass movie and some of those shotgun kills were absolutely brutal.

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