
Hopes and Fears - Des2ny and You. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, March 31, 2017, 16:07 (2885 days ago) @ squidnh3

Specifically, the faster pace and multi-ranged versatility of all the primary weapon types, coupled with higher special and heavy ammo availability. I think the strict primary range niche philosophy they came up with at the beginning of Y2 was a mistake, and led to where we are now.

I hope at some point to discuss my thoughts on this in more detail in a separate post.

I fully agree. Y1 was the most fun PvP. Even in the Suros Meta, the Suros wasn't actually the best gun out there; rather it was a largely available gun that had a terrific roll and served to level the playing field against players who had better guns that required more gunskill to use. There were a huge number of viable loadouts.

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