
Hopes and Fears - Des2ny and You. (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Friday, March 31, 2017, 21:59 (2885 days ago) @ Harmanimus

A great point was brought up in a different thread. I think it merits its own discussion however. So disregarding the tone of the trailer, worries about pre-orders and remaining customer dissatisfaction after the lqunch of Destiny, how are people feeling regarding Destiny 2?

What are things you are hoping to see changed? Things retained? New things?

Or perhaps you are more concerned about things you think will be detrimental that bungie does not appear to have learned From? (I know some of these points have already been hammered into the ground.)

More importantly from my perspective, how are you balancing your hopes for Destiny 2 against your fears for the same?

I'm posting this before reading the rest of this thread.

So... sheesh. Where do I start...*sigh*. Shit. I already know where I'm going to start, because of course I have to reference it. As the lot of you may be aware from a certain "1000 views" post, the overall whole year one result of Destiny hit me pretty hard. Fuck... I'll even go so far as to say I think something may have broke inside me, which is pretty an impressive thing to have done to a person that's is built together much like a Golem is rock.

I trusted Bungie, and I don't any more, or at least as long as Activision hovers menacingly in the background. In retrospect there were out word signs to be seen if I had bothered to pay attention to that sort of thing. I guess when you look outside-in among all the other bits of noise life can throw at ya, my missing of these little details might not be so surprising. I also wasn't as... well versed, in video games and their creation when it comes to business; so I guess there is that too. Anyway, enough of this public inword banter... Destiny 2.

The first thing I think of when I say Destiny 2 right now, is how much I want to mod again. I haven't modded a game since, well... my foundation Halo days. Ancient History. Geez, the original admins kid is probably... at least 13 years now. I can't seem to recall the date. Anyway, modding Destiny on the PC would be the biggest draw for me. This all would also depend on how modding would work in a "shared world shooter", and also the route Bungie/Activision take for DRM, since license code keys are no longer a thing, sadly (which was a thing last time I gamed on a computer). If they go with the ever ubiquitous Steam, then there is a chance that Destiny 2 can run on Linux, which would be nice.

That said, my hopes aren't very high currently for official modding capabilities. But I want... I WANT. WANTS... THE PRECIOUS!

With that idea out of the way, I shall be blunt, Destiny 2 needs a purpose. Purpose in story. Purpose in game play. Purpose in loot. Purpose. Purpose. Purpose. Destiny 1 was an aimless mess of ideas. Some of those ideas were very good! Some of those ideas even were able to captivate continued game play three years later for some, but not as many I figure as Bungie would like. For Destiny 2 I also have the same well documented (as I did alpha and beta reviews too) concerns as I did for Destiny 1. I can also say, if I find they have screwed up again, there will be no time to charm for a third.

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