
Weapon and Armor Rolls (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Monday, April 03, 2017, 13:09 (2882 days ago) @ dogcow

[*] Change: No RNG on weapon rolls, or at least make the weapons names MEAN something. If there must be rolls NAME the weapon with the roll and reduce the # of possible rolls (Matador 64a, Matador 64b, Matador 64c, etc.). There are too many possible perk combinations and too many choices that affect how good the weapon performs, it's information overload for me.

This is one of the things I hope for most (besides an in-game story). Hunting for "God-rolls" on weapons needs to go away. When I pick up a weapon, it should have the same options as every other version of that weapon. Give us options on the weapon, sure, but give the same options to every player who picks it up. If they want to add more variety, then maybe let us discover extra sights or trigger mods while digging through the rubble of the last city, but again, everyone would have the opportunity to find those same mods.

Random armor stat rolls need to go away, too. This is RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG. Why is it even possible to get a piece of armor with only 80% of its possible stats? And how much vault space is currently dedicated to either multiple copies of the same gear with different stat rolls, or gear we don't even like but keep around because it's our best Int/Dis piece for a certain armor slot? I would love to have a slider that would let me determine how much of my Guardian's light will be dedicated to keeping my grenade, melee, and super abilities powered up. Keep RNG for perks if you have to cram RNG in there somewhere, but I'd like to be able to find and add armor mods for this kind of thing, too.

Maybe if each piece of gear starts off the same for everyone, but allows for some customization through some in-game action besides RNG, we'll actually get the "every weapon has a story" thing we were told about in D1.


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