
The only times I ever switch weapons mid-activity... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 00:37 (2782 days ago) @ Cody Miller

...are during Trials and during Raids.

When leveling up, I'm always using my highest light weapons, period. Doesn't matter what they are, whether they suck or not, etc..

At max level, there's no reason to change weapons during most activities, with the possible exception of if you're purely trying to level up weapons and just finished one, but D2 doesn't have that so.... yeah, not applicable.

Raids: Certain bosses demand me to have a sniper rifle or a gjallerhorn. Since each raid encounter is different, being prevented from changing weapons will also limit raid encounter design, and/or add a wholly unnecessary step of going to orbit and flying back in.

Trials: This is the ONLY place where fixed loadouts could be reasonable, but - personally - I think it's dumb. Part of the fun was adapting to the other team's setup.

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