
The only times I ever switch weapons mid-activity... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 11:15 (2781 days ago) @ Harmanimus


That is assuming encounter damage phases and things of that nature match the mold for existing Raids. Given that everything else has been reworked and that you have Kinetic/Energy/Power, I would make conjecture that such things have been reworked around that fact already.

The raids being the best part of Dest1ny by a wide margin imo, I certainly hope they haven't changed the formula too much.


As it is a wholly reworked mode, now as 4v4, and we don't know any changed mechanics, that falls into the same situation. Kinetic/Energy means you are running two "Primary" weapons,

Yes indeed. Probably this won't be a big deal, and it will definitely cut down on the pre-game fake-out that some teams would do of loading in with low light gear in order to sandbag their opponents. It also means perks that give you full ammo on spawn can't be used and then swapped out to game the system.

one that is better against supers.

First I've heard of this. Can you fill me in on the details of it?

Depending on how Power ammo is meted the requirement for modifying loadouts instead of adapting as a player seems relatively minor, at most. Being locked into a Scout and a Sidearm or a Auto and a Hand Cannon or a Pulse and SMG is not going to have the same limitations as a Hand Cannon and Shotgun or Scout and Sniper does in ToO.

Very true. By the same token, however, swapping the type of weapon also seems like it would be less impactful, so I can only assume they're going to do something funky with ammo per weapon and this is to avoid exploitation and/or work around a limitation of the new system. We do know that weapons are statted individually now rather than as a whole class, so I can see differing ammo counts per gun within the same class of weapon as a thing.

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