
Oh, just a teensy bit. (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Friday, September 29, 2017, 13:02 (2464 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

And I'm all about more Ikora and story stuff happening on Io, but holy crap I could go on for days about my issues with Asher Mir. Ugh.

Yep. I rarely go on Io purely because of him talking.

See, the cranky old man who's a genius but can't be bothered with the immediate matters (because he's above them) is cool. Good use of archetype; but I feel the way he's written he's SO pretentious, and SO dismissive of so many finer details (or ends up being wrong, with no follow up explanation), that I can't take him seriously. He adds nothing, he's just annoying. Captain Teatime in the EDZ adds plenty of color, and has his "annoying" habit of nerding out on pronunciation, but *that* adds a little depth and a slight tension between him and other characters. I think it's played well. Asher is 100% abrasive 100% of the time.

Like the lake of radiolaria that wasn't there. I never got the feeling he had any clue as to why it wasn't, just that HIS readings should have been correct. And that just sticks with me in a bad way; because the dude is literally fused with Vex tech, supposedly a genius, and it doesn't occur to him that we would be witnessing the Vex alter things a la the Vault to thwart us??

That thar be a man fused to machines he doesn't understand...


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