
Oh, just a teensy bit. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, October 02, 2017, 11:19 (2553 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Heck, Asher doesn't even show much regard to his two fire team members that are dead! His middle name should be disrespect. I don't give a damn what he has been through. Okay, I'm done now :D

He doesn't show much regard for his fireteam because he purposely avoids talking about them because it is such a painful memory. There is one variant in the Strike on Io where Ikora starts questioning him about his team and he says something along the lines of:

"They were by my side... until they weren't. And I will speak no more of them."

It's a very subdued moment for him that is in such sharp contrast to all his other ranting. I think it shows he cared for them a great deal and both died possibly to save him. It's why he is so obsessed not just with killing the Vex Mind at the heart of the, Pyramidion, he's in it for straight up revenge.

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