
Oh, just a teensy bit. (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, September 29, 2017, 13:20 (2464 days ago) @ Malagate

And I'm all about more Ikora and story stuff happening on Io, but holy crap I could go on for days about my issues with Asher Mir. Ugh.

Yep. I rarely go on Io purely because of him talking.

See, the cranky old man who's a genius but can't be bothered with the immediate matters (because he's above them) is cool. Good use of archetype; but I feel the way he's written he's SO pretentious, and SO dismissive of so many finer details (or ends up being wrong, with no follow up explanation), that I can't take him seriously. He adds nothing, he's just annoying. Captain Teatime in the EDZ adds plenty of color, and has his "annoying" habit of nerding out on pronunciation, but *that* adds a little depth and a slight tension between him and other characters. I think it's played well. Asher is 100% abrasive 100% of the time.

Yeah, this is what I didn't like about him. If he was abrasive even 70% of the time I would have been okay with it. It's just that he had no tolerance whatsoever. I'm amazed that he hasn't been shot by someone. And I'm not talking about the bad guys.

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