
Taken need more variety (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, October 02, 2017, 12:50 (2553 days ago) @ Durandal

Oryx had been enslaving various species for millennia. I think that we should have to fight some crazy "WTF is that!?" Taken, instead of just re-skins of currently known enemies. What about Taken Guardians? Taken Dragons? Taken Taken?

Also, the taken have new abilities from their "mutation" in the void, why haven't their forms been mutated as well? And you make a good point about how many species Oryx has taken.

Doesn't Eris say that most lifeforms don't survive being taken long enough to see them mutate significantly? Mr. Voidballface I never do this when void burn is on strike?

It could be that there is a limit to the taken life span and that it's rare for anything to hang around too long.

That definitely sounds plausible. I don't remember the Eris quote, but I believe you. If they don't live that long, it seems there would be much more activity from who ever is doing the taking. I mean, if you slow down, you don't have enough troops to replenish your troops.

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