First reaction... (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 22:31 (2346 days ago) @ Cody Miller

"Sorry we are continuing to develop and grow this game into something hopefully everyone can continue to or increase their levels of enjoyment from"?

I really only thought they'd say it with regards to two things, only one of which I care about.

"Sorry we haven't been more communicative with the fans". I don't care, but a ton of people are upset about this and I guess a certain level of communication is expected in MMO games.

"We know it’s frustrating when there isn’t enough of a dialog with the development team. You have our commitment that we’re going to do a better job going forward."

That's not specifically "sorry" but it sure as hell is a mea culpa, which is pretty close.

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