
The motivation to find a group != level of enjoyment. (Off-Topic)

by Harmanimus @, Friday, December 29, 2017, 23:42 (2307 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Do you have a pro controller? If not, how does it control? I pretty much only use my Switch in handheld mode--I just like playing like that. But the analog sticks on they joycons are passable at best, and I honestly could not imagine trying to play a FPS, much less a super fast one like Doom with them and have anything resembling a fun time.

I do not. I haven't used my Switch in docked mode. I dock it just to charge it. For the most part it just requires me to use more lateral adjustments with strafing than I would in most games where I'm only using fine adjustments with my lateral aim. To a degree hit detection, at least on glory kills, seems to be quite forgiving. So you still keep momentum.

That's really it for me. That world, as empty as it is, is absolutely enthralling . . . Korok seeds . . . I'd love for the next Zelda to have a BotW styled world with real Zelda dungeons instead of shrines and some actually interesting NPCs and quests to discover . . .

While I enjoy things to find in the world, Korok seeds are not the sort of thing that is at all enjoyable to try to "100%" like other games manage. And yes. I would have been happy if the Overworld were smaller but there were either more or just more involved dungeons.

I'm glad this game exists, and I really, really like the story, but man I actively hate playing the game. Like, I don't even think it's mediocre, it's absolutely atrocious. Nothing about it feels good to me. It feels worse than the first game by a pretty considerable margin, and I didn't like that one either.

There is an odd thing about it. I have discussed it many times with folks after I identified it to myself. MachineGames' Wolfenstein is a Modern shooter cherry picking Classic elements compared to D16M wherein it is a Classic shooter which cherry picks more Modern elements. And I can totally understand someone not liking what parts they blended together for these Wolfenstein games. I think I actually would have preferred both of them on PC, but I haven't committed to buying any of them again for that purpose.

I've always sort of wanted to give tabletop a try, just never had a group that was willing, and never quite cared enough to try and find one. Maybe that's a decent gauge of how much I'd actually like it. I love listening to Austin Walker's tabletop play podcast, though. Friends at the Table is really good.

I haven't had a truly regular group since '09. If you have a LGS (or even sometimes a library) often times you can find someone running D&D Adventurer's League games. I don't choose to go out of my way, but if you enjoy any sort of raw, cooperative (or counter-operative) improvisational play, some variety of PnP is great to at least try. And most "bad experiences" are from bad groups. Which is why I haven't had a steady one since '09. There is something about PnP when you really get down to it that I don't think will ever be recreated in a digital medium, no matter how hard folks keep trying. I've also been doing it since I could basically interact at a table, though. So there is that. The bad image of gatekeeper nerds at LGSs doesn't crop up nearly as often as it would have even 5-10 years ago. Most of those guys at this point have been shoveled off the MtG or YGO.

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