

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Sunday, February 17, 2013, 21:09 (4365 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Yes it does. Bungie's world is the only world you can play in. If you do something or want to play in a way that disrupts that world, then you will be banned or reprimanded. You have no other way to play 'off the grid' and do what you want.

Want to play using bxr? Go for it over a LAN. But if matchmaking were the only way to play Halo 2, you'd be out of luck.

Players were banned in wow for leading monsters into other areas of the map to make them easier to kill. Things like this will happen, and you will have no recourse.

I like how your arguments tend to come with an unspoken ability to know the future, hah...

Okay, so you can't cheat or exploit bugs on their servers. Maybe then you can fake your own server. If people want to break something, they'll find a way. They just have to work a little harder now.

But that doesn't mean there's an actual decrease in the ways you can play Destiny. We still know very little about how the game plays. Bungie could have created an amazing sandbox that allows for the most freedom you've ever seen in a game. Halo plus its tricks could be a tiny fraction compared to what Destiny offers, to the point where you don't even care that there's a few rules.

I don't understand the point of criticizing the tip of an iceberg when you can't look under the water yet...

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