
Oh good grief.

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, February 18, 2013, 04:01 (4364 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I don't really agree with this viewpoint, it's an open world, just because you have to be connected to the Internet does not mean that you have to play it in a specific way.

Yes it does. Bungie's world is the only world you can play in. If you do something or want to play in a way that disrupts that world, then you will be banned or reprimanded. You have no other way to play 'off the grid' and do what you want.

Want to play using bxr? Go for it over a LAN. But if matchmaking were the only way to play Halo 2, you'd be out of luck.

Players were banned in wow for leading monsters into other areas of the map to make them easier to kill. Things like this will happen, and you will have no recourse.

It's sort of amazing that you start with a high road concept like "play the game the way you want to" but when it comes down to examples of how Bungie is really just trying to crush the life out of all independent thinking gamers everywhere, what you come up with is an exploit. A cheat.

I hardly think that was what was under discussion.

I think what was meant was comparing something like Halo, which is linear both in its story and its gameplay, to something like GTA, RDR or Mass Effect, where there is a main story and a sandbox, and at certain times, you're set loose on the environment to set your own priorities and play the way you want to-- as well as to determine what kind of gameplay techniques you'll use to handle gameplay challenges (brute force, stealth, magic-- up close and personal, or from a safe distance.

The vision of "be free to play using BXR on a LAN if you want to" is about the most hollow and empty goal I can think of.

Have Gearbox make it. They can call it Animation Interrupt: The Game.

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