
Remaining Player(s) > Quitter/Drop-Out (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Friday, October 05, 2018, 12:15 (2317 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

Disclaimer: I wrote this last night while steamed. Reading it over, as animated as it is, I think I bring up a decent point. I'm not sure about the solution I give, but the problem is worth consideration.

I'm also piggybacking off this post and putting down my thoughts towards the rest of the information in the "THAB" as well. Thank you.



Quitter Protection: We are currently developing a change to Gambit matchmaking that will help with the extended load times some players have been experiencing. When this change is released, we will be re-enabling quitter penalties for the Gambit playlist. However, we have increased the number of games players can leave before they are restricted from the playlist. We are making this change to help mitigate some situations where bad internet connectivity results in a restriction.


Alllllll-righty ya'll. I'm tired of this myopic NEVER WORKS "solution", that isn't. Why? BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T [QUIT GAMES/USE A POTATO FOR INTERNET ACCESS] ARE STILL HOLDING THE BAG! Dis-freek'n-claimer: I've had one of the shittiest Gambit games today that was the iceing on top of the flippen' PvP quit-cake, and I'm still riding on that experience abit. Just a touch.


SO!... Look, when a player drops out, it can suck. 5 Vs 6... eh... it's a bothersome pin prick. 3 V 4... ok... that stings abit, but hey, shit happens. YET, WHEN HALF THE TEAM IS GONE....*sigh*... when half the team is gone, more often then not they take the game with them. Not only does it trend to be REALLY demoralizing, it just sucks the fun out of the whole "Team" thing. Now this can very on an number of factors, but I think we can all agree that this sucks for those still in the game of that team.

It's a Freek'n catch 22. I don't want to quit the game, but I SHOULD! I've seen again and again what happens to games when there is a large number/batch of quits. Yet I don't want to incur the wrath of the Quit Hammer. In other words, the quitters aren't effected by it or don't care, hence the quit, and those who don't quit DO CARE! ANYONE SEE THE PROBLEM HERE!?!?

Here's your solution - END THE FUCKING MATCH! The Match is already forfeit. You've already got the backbone here Bungle; Mercy that shit. Sprinkle some glimmer consolation prize, and try again. Why? Because 1 V 4 Gambit & Competitive Games SUCK!



The Gambit team is closely monitoring community feedback and looking at game data. In future updates, you should expect changes to Gambit bounties, how frequently you earn rewards, and other changes to the mode that will give teams in the lead a greater advantage. We’ll be back in future weeks to shed more light on the future of Gambit as it continues to evolve.

Greater advantage, eh? So... in other words I can look forward to more people going "Ahhh We lost..." *Quit*. Sounds fun. ... Yeah. We'll see. The point is when I'm playing Gambit, unless there is an obvious team advantage, be it the skill of the other team, or the size of my own, I generally am aware that it's still possible to win the round. It's a Tortoise and the Hare balance. For me, that's been where the fun has been in Gambit. So... now I'm curious of what they have in mind and... and we'll see.

Update Calendar

Instead of quoting all of it, I'll just say I look forward to the 16th and 30th respectively for the little QoL Updates we'll get... except...

Rebalancing functionality of Distribution/Dynamo perks, requiring players to be near opponents for Super energy benefits

What does this mean, exactly?

Update Calendar

Toil and Trouble
With the launch of Season of the Outlaw, we’ve updated how players gain ranks and earn loot from Commander Zavala. Players who visit him may notice that he has a new reward system called Nightfall ranks.

Nightfall ranks represent a player’s progression through all of Destiny 2’s Nightfall strikes and are incremented every time a player completes a different Nightfall strike with a bonus threshold beyond 100,000 points. For each Nightfall where players surpass its bonus threshold, their Nightfall rank will increment upward by one whole point. For players to achieve the maximum Nightfall rank of 14 and make Zavala’s tier-10 Masterwork Toil and Trouble available for purchase, players will need to surpass the 100,000 point bonus threshold in all 14 Nightfall strikes.

In addition to Nightfall ranks, Commander Zavala also oversees the Vanguard ranks. This system functions much the same to prior seasons, and only requires players to earn Vanguard packages by turning in reputation tokens earned by completing strikes and Vanguard Bounties.

I... was unaware of this, and I think this is cool. Once we get high enough in light, I'd like to try and do this just to see if we can. :)

Flawless Footage

._. Wow.

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