
Destiny and Loose Ends (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, February 21, 2019, 10:14 (2171 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Thinking back, Destiny has been pretty good about managing its "loose ends" and turning them into actual plot:

The Iron Lords - Their story started in D1 as nothing more than a few named guns. We eventually got Rise of Iron and a bunch of neat lore about how these early heroes saved the Earth from Risen Warlords and helped found The City.

Crota & Oryx - Mentioned in passing at the end of that one D1 mission with the black sphere that we exploded, both these Hive Gods formed the basis of some really good content and Raids.

Rasputin - The story of this lost Warmind has been weaved through pretty much all of Destiny's lore. Rasputin fought the Darkness, probably attacked the Traveler to prevent it from fleeing, killed the majority of the Iron Lords, was the thing the Eliksni House of Devils was searching for in the Cosmodrome, and has now (as of Warmind) fully reawakened and promised to defend humanity... in whatever way he decides is best.

The Cabal Emperor - That the Cabal had signaled their emperor was just a sentence of two of dialogue at the end of a D1 mission. Ghaul and the Red Legion emerged in D2 to be the first major campaign.

Mara Sov, Prince Uldren, and the Awoken - Characters who were in just a few minor cutscenes in D1 have now become some of the most important and interesting characters in all of Destiny. And the origins of the Awoken form a well written second great lore book at least equal to that of the Hive's origin story in the Books of Sorrow.

The Exo Stranger - A character that was (wrongly, in my opinion) seen by many as a joke has continued to receive lore attention throughout almost every single release of D1 and D2. Most recently, Mara Sov hinted directly in-game at an alliance between herself and the Exo Stranger just before the former left her throne room to begin the next segment of her war on the Darkness. Far from forgotten, the Exo Stranger may end up playing a major role in Destiny as soon as this fall.

The Ahamkara - Like the Iron Lords, the Ahamakra were first hinted at through item and armor names in D1. There were hints here and there along the way to the true nature of the Ahamkara, and finally with Forsaken, we got to see an Ahamkara and learn more about their history.

Osiris - The somewhat mythical Warlock was finally revealed in full in his own expansion where we found he'd been away battling the Vex across many different simulated timelines.

Saint-14, Ana Bray, Shin Malphur, and other off-screen legendary Guardians have also come back up in lore and occasionally in-game. Following the rise and fall of the order of Titan Sunbreakers from before the Battle of Twilight Gap to their supposed demise during Ghaul's attack on The City is pretty interesting, for instance.

Looking at the history of Destiny's stories, no one can be faulted for wishing some of these things came up sooner, and some of them (like Osiris) deserved more attention that they eventually got, but all in all Destiny has an exceptional track record of shining the spotlight on the little story bits it previously hinted at.

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