
Honestly think it's a bug (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 19:47 (1746 days ago) @ FyreWulff

Or feels like one. There's been no mention of this in patch notes and you can't even press a button or click on one of the empty slots to quickly pop to the roster to invite someone into the slot

If it's meant to show how many players can come with you on each activity, sure, but maybe they should only make the box appear if you have at least 2 people (because then you're clearly in the invitin' mood). When you're playing solo it just looks like unfinished UI.

Ugggghh....sorry I was gone so long, had to go to the hospital again.

But that's a perfect example right there. Having multiple fireteam members already shows prominently on the screen--it doesn't make sense to put empty spaces there. If it's to 'indicate' more players can participate in an activity, that's why they have the number of players on every node thing in the Director, and have had that since Destiny 1's beta. While Bungie seems to reward a squad-up mentality, the solo players are still out there;the lone stragglers who won't—or can't—find the fireteam they need or want to get the job done. Yes, LFG's and search groups exist, but most of them are understandably more focused on the most current thing. If a player can't (or doesn't want to) form a group to take on a specific activity, what sense does it make to pile on 2-5 empty slots on top of it? And with the nodes already established, what purpose would that serve other than to say 'ha ha, go enjoy this by yourself'?

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