
I’m impressed. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 23:00 (1417 days ago)

I finished the main campaign a few hours ago. I’m not sure how far it goes, but there seems to be a decent amount of post campaign stuff to do. I’m still getting quests from both Europa vendors, which is great. The actual campaign was pretty decent. Nowhere near Forsaken, but much better than Shadowkeep. I think the missions were all fun, and I loved boss fights. If you’re not a strong player, you might have to spend some time leveling a bit somewhere else—that boss fights are fairly tough underleveled.

Europa is beautiful, and it’s huge. It might be the biggest zone ever? You can go really far beyond what’s on the map—far enough that the player icon is no longer shown on the map screen. Some really interesting areas, I love the section that’s way up north.

Stasis seems cool. I started on my Warlock. I like the melee (not that Warlocks needed another annoying distance melee—not looking forward to that in Crucible). The Super is okay. It seems effective enough, but it’s not the list fun thing ever.

I also did the new player quest, and it’s good. It’s a nice trip down memory lane. You do the regular first part of D1, but instead of finding a ship you talk to the new vendor in the Cosmodrome and investigate some Hive shit. You do a reworked version of the Array mission, which is cool. They reuse the same music there, which is fantastic. I feel like it does a decent job of showing new players how Destiny works. It makes you purge a Shadowrift at one point, and also makes you open a few of the Fallen Shields from the spider tank heroic event. It does good job of showing players those sorts of things they will be asked to do throughout the rest of the game (although it’s not super explicit, so it’s probably so not really enough for the more oblivious players).

Obviously can’t really judge after the first day, but I’ve been really pleased so far.

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