
I’m impressed. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 08:00 (1417 days ago) @ bluerunner
edited by cheapLEY, Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 08:14

Yeah, I’m with you there. Variks straight up gave me an old Vanguard Sniper as a quest reward. They really need to figure this out.

The other issue is loot sources. There is entirely too much confusion now. I used to know how to get damn near every gun, now I have no idea. If I wanted a Bygones, play Gambit. Can I even get it a Bygones now, or and where does it come from. They just threw everything in the world pool in a dumb way, and they’ve added and removed so much stuff I have no idea what’s even available.

And I heard you can get stuff that’s still capped at 1060 as new loot, like the Shadowkeep stuff, even though they (apparently, I haven’t confirmed) raised the level for Nightmare Hunts. So you can do a challenging Nightmare Hunt and get gear that’s called far below the actual level of the activity. If that’s true, they really need to be more considerate about what they’re doing.

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