
Stasis is broken. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 23:53 (1416 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It’s like they design every individual element in a vacuum, then just smash it all together and call it a day.

Stasis is straight up fucking broken in Crucible. Every single ability from every class freezes enemies. Grenade? Freezes enemies of they get it, and also makes a huge ice wall that gets in the way. Melee? The Warlock melee literally shoots an energy ball that freezes anything it touches—it even explodes on impact and can freeze multiple people at once! Super? It freezes everyone it touches instantly, even people in their own Supers! Nightstalkers are useless now. Tether has always been shitty and broken in Crucible, but now it’s only marginally more useful than the Warlock melee.

Seriously, did a single person at Bungie even play a game of Crucible where anyone besides themselves used Stasis? I’m not sure I believe it. It was silly fun for about two matches, but quickly wore out it’s welcome. Every ability is an instant win button.

It’s a shame, because I genuinely think Stasis is fun. The grenades that make ice walls are really cool tacticals for blocking routes or making quick cover. I feel like the melees would be annoying but fine if they slowed enemies instead of completely freezing them.

It’s only going to get worse, I bet. We haven’t started upgrading Stasis with Fragments or Aspects yet. How much stronger will it get?

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