
Legend of Korra Book 2 - Thoughts of the Season. (Off-Topic)

by Mr Daax ⌂ @, aka: SSG Daax, Sunday, November 17, 2013, 08:24 (4135 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

There were parts of the season that I wasn't too happy about. The story just felt...off at times; the finale was rather odd at moments, like, WHAT THE HECK DID JINORA DO?!?; or, for all of his time on screen, was Varrick really a necessary character? Not that I didn't enjoy him and Zhu Li, but at the end of the season, it didn't really feel like he added much of anything to the story.

However, despite those things, I still loved the show and am really excited to see what comes next!

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