
Si (Spoiled as Fuck!) (Off-Topic)

by Grizzlei ⌂ @, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 22:22 (4131 days ago) @ MrPadraig08

-Varrik, I fucking loved Varrik. Such a simple comedic character. He brought some comedy to a dark, dramatic season. Anytime he did something or said something, I was so happy.

Varrik was shockingly deep and insightful as time progressed. Really struck by his nonchalant view on war profiteering.

-Bolin. My boy Bolin finally making moves and being a badass. Makes me tear up almost.

Korra should've gone with him from the start. He's handsome, cute, adorkble, trustworthy, dependable, cute, and has a fire ferret. Not to mention that Mako is a total slut. :P

-Mako. He was such a dumbass this season. He was right, but still a dumbass about any cues Varrick gave him about protecting loved ones. I didn't get the idea he was resisting evil, I thought he legitimately had no idea what he meant when he said, "You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Bolin or Asami, would you?" And don't get me started on his idea of being emotionally committed to someone. Lord, he was quite the whorish man.

Ugh. Was he even really there this season? Hopefully that time in the slammer will have changed him.

But with all that, I still loved it. It's a fantastic series that should be taught in schools and forced on the unwilling.

My kids will watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra and they'll like it! No really, I assure you they will because it's amazing and obviously they'll get a remarkable taste for fiction from me. :)

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