
Season one of Andor was brilliant. (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Sunday, November 27, 2022, 18:45 (810 days ago)

I don't know what the young me would think--the one who saw OG Star Wars 12 times the year it came out--but Andor is now the current me's favorite Star Wars anything. I knew after 20 minutes it was better than anything since Empire, and it only got better.

I'm bored with so much that gets hyped these days, but Andor presented a masterclass in world-building, character-development, and TV storytelling. No fan service, no condescending explanations, no spectacle for spectacle's sake, no toy being marketed, no empty mystery boxes, no flat, utilitarian characters, no dialogue or plots oddly tuned to precisely echo current events (nothing ages shows or movies faster)--I'm a tough critic, and felt like I was I holding my breath the entire time waiting for them to screw up. Could I really stop grading on a curve? I'd got lots of practice doing that with the Halo series.

I'd gotten so jaded--especially in regards to big IPs. You don't expect superb writing, and you certainly don't expect it to be matched with the right talent to pull it off. This is very hard to do, people. In honor of Bungie, 7 stars.

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