
well... (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, December 02, 2022, 00:05 (805 days ago) @ Avateur

I don't want to overstate the value of George Lucas's warmed over Buddhism, but there's something predictable and juvenile about smugly picking apart Yoda-isms, and burning the holy books because someone smelled hypocrisy. (I'm sorry, but saying the books don't matter because Rey contains all their wisdom is an idiotic dismissal of the value of recorded wisdom and the process by which wisdom is acquired and maintained.) OG Luke or Yoda would've known better, and middle-aged aesthete directors should've, too. Star Wars became a phenomenon because of what it said when. In the gloom of 1977, Star Wars said, we can see evil clearly, and anyone, ANYONE can defeat it. Sadly, I can't get too worked up about people forgetting the beating heart of the original trilogy. The whole mythology was FUBAR the moment someone said the word midi-chlorians.

Without actually voicing any thoughts about this movie or the sequel trilogy as a whole, I just wanted to point out that the books didn’t burn. Rey kept them. Yoda was being pretty literal in his words to Luke. Luke just had no idea that the books weren’t in the burning tree, took Yoda’s words as pure wisdom, and accepted some things about life.

Well, I forgot that detail, and that's some solace I guess.

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