
Thoughts From Someone Who Wasn't That Excited (Destiny)

by Jillybean, Sunday, July 27, 2014, 12:00 (3570 days ago) @ Fuertisimo

Well first I have to say I am a terrible multiplayer . . . player. It's just not for me.

I find the Crucible to be very dependent on knowledge of the maps - its unforgiving. When player comes across player, the player who sees their opponent first will win. This is great when you see someone first, because one shot and a punch and they're down, but people continually knew the maps better than I did - like the sniper who knew exactly where to stand on Shores of Time to cover two control spots. His team figured out what he was doing and defended his position as much as the remaining control spot. Deeply, deeply frustrating.

The playstyle I cultivated (glass cannon) on the campaign did not transfer well to MP - this again is probably as much my problem as a bad player as the game's, but I couldn't get close enough to people to damage them, and I couldn't withstand their attacks long enough to escape.

Overall, I felt like Crucible was not designed for the casual player at all - I won't say it was designed to frustrate the casual player, but I'm not welcome there.

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