
AFK and Crucible Marks (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 18:20 (3840 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by RC, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 18:36


Each week, a player can earn a maximum of 100 crucible marks. 2 for winning and 1 for losing. If skill-matching works perfectly, players will hit the maximum in 67 games (33 wins + 34 losses). A minimum of 50 (50 straight wins), and a maximum of 100 (100 straight losses).

67 * 12 minutes (max game length) = 804 minutes (13 hours, 12 min)

So, if a player entered Crucible and played normally for less than 2 hours each night, they would hit the maximum amount. Note that not all games will go to the time limit.

If a player enough cared about Crucible Gear to want then ASAP, why wouldn't they be able, and want to, simply play 2 hours a night?

EDIT: This is not Bungie's first rodeo, and the thought occurred to me, too. But then I thought a little more and realised the above. This weekly limit was likely installed because they realised some people would consider grinding out hundreds of games a week, through whatever method. There is no point to that if it makes your 'natural' playtime 'worth less' because you don't earn any more CruMarks.

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