Some People Love Investment Systems (Destiny)

by Hoovaloov, Friday, August 15, 2014, 01:24 (3562 days ago) @ Cody Miller

The only way to do that is to have tons of content. Games should be AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE. They are entertainment. Every second of them should be entertaining. If you ask your player to do something boring in the name of having them play longer you have failed. If you ask players to do something repetitive in the name of having them play longer you have failed. Everything you ask them to do should be new, fun, and novel.

Some people love investment systems, sometimes it's the only reason they enjoy playing a particular game. I was talking with someone the other day about various games, and he said, "That game doesn't really interest me. I don't like games that don't have progression systems. If I'm not earning XP and ranking up, I feel like there's nothing left for me to do."

I felt like talking about how many thousands of games of Halo 2 I played online with no investment system, but it would have been as useful as telling him what flavor of ice cream I like.

Some people love the investment systems. That's why they keep coming back. Those are the kind of people Bungie is looking to hook with their system here.

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