To D or not to D?? (Destiny)

by DEEP_NNN, Sunday, September 07, 2014, 17:44 (3737 days ago) @ manti452

I'm a die-hard Halo fan. I'm good at campaign but terrible at multiplayer. I play Halo socially 6 hours a week with large parties. I also love TITANFALL.

Like you, I've not been involved with MMO games and actively avoided them. I was very leery of Destiny because of the MMO aspect but not anymore.

Two things that remain a bit of a concern for me are the RAIDS and MM/multiplayer. RAIDS may be outside the scope of my skill or time allotments. MM/multiplayer proved a bit difficult in the Beta and I felt somewhat inept. Add to that my multiplayer time is already taken with Halo and TITANFALL.

I loved the open world areas, public events and Strikes. I could play these PvE modes for months at least. Probably longer when DLC is considered.

I hopes that helps you, coming from a person who was previously reserved about Destiny.

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