Level 20 and up: how long did it take you? what did you do? (Destiny)

by BeingU, Saturday, September 13, 2014, 19:44 (3522 days ago)

For those of us in the level 20 and up range, I'm curious how long it took you to get there, what your strategy was, and how fun vs. grindy it was. I've read how some people are feeling down on the grind for xp and better equipment, and thought some discussion of levelling strategies while keeping things fun might be interesting.

Personally, I got to level 20 after 11 hrs, initially focusing on story levels and daily bounties. After that I got to 21 just from buying vanguard equipment with light and NO vanguard mark cost. These seem to come up periodically. From there, just doing vanguard strike playlist is quickly getting me more light. I'm all rare equipment, even got a legendary armor drop. I just need to play these strikes a bit more and I'll be able to buy legendary armor from the store. So, going well, and I see no unpleasant grind activities required yet. I'm level 24 at 18 hrs total game play.

How have things been for you?

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