DBO Fireteam Charlie (Xbox 360) Stateegery threadz (Destiny)

by yakaman, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 14:30 (3516 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

Hello, Guardians.

Taking my own advice, I'd like to hear what guns and armor you're bringing to the party. What sort of perks do they have? What might it let you do? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Should help us brainstorm some synergies yeah?

Here's me:

1) Primary: full leveled auto rifle good at medium to short range. Nearly leveled scout rifle great at long and medium range
2) Secondary: Nearly leveled Invective. Crushes at close range
3) Heavy: Fully leveled The Swarm with Arc Damage. Good on everything at all but the most extreme ranges.
4) Striker: Exotic helmet gives me two extra Fists perks, so usually doing Death from Above with Shockwave
5) Defender: Exotic chest lets me revive others faster, produce more orbs, usually play team-medic/orb producer with this one
6) Strengths and weaknesses: tend to kill kill kill and get lots of clutch revives, not good at creative problem solving under fire. Less salarian, more krogan. ;)

EDIT: Also, are we all in the no spoiler camp? I am, but I've gotten about 1-2 hours into the Raid. Can keep my mouth shut real good.

Great thread.

1) Primary: Somewhat-leveled Exotic scout rifle (MIDA Multi-Tool) good at mid-range. Fully-leveled Rare hand cannon good at mid-range.
2) Secondary: Fully-leveled rare fusion rifle (Helios FR5, Arc). Short to mid-range.
3) Heavy: Fully-leveled rare rocket launcher (Despot SA/5, Void).
4) Voidwalker: fully-leveled and my most familiar.
5) Sunsinger: mostly-leveled and less effective. Willing to go support route as needed.
6) Strengths/Weaknesses: aggressive and effective killer, but sometime too much so. Very willing to change style to suit situation as team needs.
7) VoG Experience: Nope.

Long story short: I vary from mid-range precision to close, fast skirmishing. I'm willing to change my play-style as the team requires.

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