This (Destiny)

by Jabberwok, Monday, October 06, 2014, 15:16 (3512 days ago) @ ZackDark

Yeah, I'm sure it varies a lot. For me, I did Summoning Pits a while ago with my level slightly higher than the recommended, along with two other players, and the boss fight took forever. I was just sick of dealing with it long before it was over. On the other hand, fighting the spider tank (walker) in Devils' Lair at a high level isn't bad at all compared to the first time I tried it. So in my experience, the boss fights aren't unpleasant as long as they are too easy. Something seems wrong with that. Even aside from the time it takes, there has to be a way to make the fights less repetitive. And I feel like the single, slow-moving giant with a ton of hit points is part of the problem. It really sucks when you finally whittle a boss's health down, then the fire team gets killed off and you have to start from scratch, knowing that you just have to repeat everything you did for another five minutes at least, and then not make a mistake. Personally, I would rather be killed off in the first minute for making the wrong decision, then have to change strategies on respawn, and be able to win in a couple minutes if we're doing it right, and aiming well.

It sounds like the raids might be more interesting, but the way things are set up, it means slogging through all the boring content to be able to access the good parts. I most definitely don't have time for that.

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