do boss fights really need to take so long? (Destiny)

by Monochron, Tuesday, October 07, 2014, 09:39 (3511 days ago) @ Ragashingo

And that's the thing. None of the boss battles ask you to sit there and just peg away at a wall (heh, or stand in one place and shoot into a cave!) they challenge you with diverse waves and generally keep you moving. The only "same thing" you do is "play Destiny." If playing the game seem to take an eternity to you maybe you should consider playing a different game.

I don't know about this part. Fighting Sepiks prime is little more than shooting a eyeball that occasionally moves while sometimes fighting low level Fallen. Same for Draksis, Riksis, every walker you fight, and various other enemies.

People's issues aren't with the availability of enemies or some fictional enemy that you stand still to shoot at. It is the lack of variety in boss battles. One battle that plays out like Sepiks would be tons of fun. Nearly every boss battle using the same formula gets old really fast. When I first killed Riksis for instance, I thought Destiny had boss battles better than any I had played before. Then when I killed the Cabal Strike guy I thought, boy that is exactly the same as Riksis just with even more predictable movements.

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