I’ve got a gambling problem! (Destiny)

by Warbow, Monday, November 03, 2014, 11:31 (3472 days ago)

Yes, that’s right a gambling problem. Instead of losing money, I’m losing time. I stayed up until 4am on both Friday and Saturday night playing Destiny. What did I get for it? Nothing.

This is a very enticing game Bungie, kudos. The promise that the next engram dropped could be a Legendary. The lure that the blue engram I’m carrying around could contain a legendary item. Complete this strike and you could get something great.

The sad part is that not one of those things ever happen. No, what happens is I grind away saving Vanguard marks and buying armor to increase my level. In the hopes that maybe by increasing my level the drops and rewards will get better. Do they? I have no idea, from my stand point they never do.

So, sadly I now have a level 27 Hunter that can’t hurt a freakin fly. Yes, I have every rare weapon, most of them maxed out. But, they are mostly useless against higher levels.

I like the game, love the mechanics. One of the best shooters I’ve ever played. I don’t even mind playing the same missions over and over and over. Hell, I can’t fathom the amount time I spent playing Halo and Halo 2 campaign repeatedly. I played them for the fun of the game. I tried to convince myself that I was playing Destiny for the fun of the game. I can’t deceive myself any longer. I’m expecting to get rewarded for my game play and I am not.

I started playing Destiny about a month late. I watched my son play on my Xbox One using my gold account to get access to online. No big deal, he bought the game I can let him use my console for a while. I then realized that, the game was designed to never let you stop playing. I should have ran away screaming. But I didn’t, like an idiot I went out and bought the 360 version so I could play the game. Now I’ve falling into this time trap. It’s like playing a slot machine, with even worse odds than at a casino.

Last rant, in the throes of my addiction. I decide that, I’m going to do the daily strike with the difficulty turned up to level 28. Remember that I have the weapons of a level 20 even though I am level 27! I proceed to slowly work my way through the strike. I am burning through my extra ammo packs left and right. I get to the final boss and game kicks me out. Ok, that was not right. I decide to do a patrol and kill enough enemies to regain my ammo. Plus, there is always a chance that a legendary engram might drop. Ha! Replenished my ammo and bought replacement ammo packs. Let do this daily strike again. Same freakin results, kick out just as the boss comes out.

I’m done playing this lottery. Will I never play Destiny again? Nope, I’ll play but I’m not falling for the hype again.

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