
I’ve got a gambling problem! (Destiny)

by Anton P. Nym (aka Steve) ⌂ @, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday, November 03, 2014, 12:40 (3472 days ago) @ Warbow

I am sometimes dimmed witted and lazy. It’s a bad combination. The reason for my rant was to help me realize that I need to stop betting on the next drop and start earning my weapons and equipment.

Also, bounties. Do lots of bounties; not only do they level up your rep and provide bonus XP, but if you turn in enough completed bounties you'll trigger an Exotic weapon bounty; that's how I got Super Good Advice, Pocket Infinity, and the option to chase after Thorn and Bad Juju though I gave up on those due to their Crucible requirements.

-- Steve likes that you can pick which bounties to do, leaving out those that don't suit your play style, and that they refresh every 24hrs if you don't like the options available.

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