
*And just to be perfectly clear, DeeJ is the coolest* (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Thursday, January 29, 2015, 13:56 (3714 days ago) @ iconicbanana

He wasn't showing any of the tell-tale signs of input-lag (aiming late, generally seeming confused); he killed me once or twice, I think, and it was good play both times that brought me down, not flailing mis-hits.

Yeah I don't know for sure if he did have input lag. He just told us it was through his XBox One, which I know has caused input lag for many people. I also know other people have said they never had a problem, so no idea if it's just some boxes, or what.

This was also his first time back with a 360 controller in months.

Now that excuse, I buy.

In case it wasn't clear, this is just playful ribbing. I don't think DeeJ needs to make excuses. That he finds time to play the game at all is impressive. The fact that he'd take time out from his personal life, after hours, to come out and play with a bunch of head-hunting jerks like us, is a testament to how passionate he is about his job. I don't think he spends nearly the amount of time playing that most of us do because he just doesn't have the free time to simply sit down and play; and considering he spends all day at work working on Destiny, the last thing he'd probably wants to do is go home and spend even more time with it.

And on top of all that, he has the humility to jump in with a bunch of guys who spend all of their free time on it, and want nothing more than to stomp on him? And to be a great sport about it? DeeJ is a class act all around. We're lucky to have him as a community.

Hear, hear.

Really had a blast. Glad we were smiled upon by the matchmaking gods.


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