
The Art of Destiny - A Book Report - 2 (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, March 09, 2015, 16:54 (3672 days ago) @ Leviathan

Continued from Post 1


We're guided through the Cosmodrome next (and eventually all of the Spheres we get to visit in Destiny).


Looks like an earlier design of the colony ship had the giant pods inside the hull of the shuttle, instead of outside and above it.


How did I not realize the Jade Rabbit was an actual in-game mascot?


"Atmospheric unwrapping."


Toying with the idea of what the Citadel would look like exploded. A hint at the future perhaps? Or just artists playing around?


This premature Vex concept reminds me of a number of 80's sci-fi paperbacks I need to read.


I suppose this is an early concept of a Vex base/factory before the ruinous monoliths came to describe their Citadel. Looks cool but we've seen it a lot before - glad we ended up with what we got.


Mars is beautiful.


The dust reclaims the forest. You can see a rover-like vehicle in the bottom left-hand corner.


This one actually makes me hungry for ice cream with its sherbet colors...

Continued in Post 3

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