
The Art of Destiny - A Book Report - 3 (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Monday, March 09, 2015, 17:26 (3560 days ago) @ Leviathan

Continued from Post 2

Getting to Know Yourself

In the next section, the book halts its voyage through the solar system and heads back to the beginnings to establish the races and classes of the Guardians.



Apparently, the EXO Stranger really spearheaded the design of the EXOs.

The Neoclassic elements that appeared in the foundational imagery at the start of the book rear their head again. You see this pop of red used often in Neoclassicism. In fact, most of the City-related art and Guardian designs could be related to an intertwined era of Enlightenment, Neoclassicism, and Romanticism...


There's a few armor designs inside this book that have just recently showed up in The Dark Below - I wonder if some of the other designs I don't recognize here will be crafted for future DLCs as well?


Hunter beats everything...


Mostly because their Class Armor is just so damn cool.


Lots of great orthographic designs like this liter the book.


Early costume design for Tower vendors.

The Forces of the City, a faction that seems to have once been a bigger part of Destiny, shows up a bit. The Hawk seems to have been extensively designed for something more than what just ended up being Tower decoration. And the frames might have been meant to be a larger force as well - maybe even an A.I. ally? Here you can see a frame hooking into the passenger bay of a Hawk (or Hawk-like vehicle).


Dark Night of the Solar System

The next section leaves player characters behind and highlights their companions on the other end of the gun - the badguys. There's a sprinkling of early sketches, postcard pieces, and character design guides. And although I'm not doing so here, each faction gets equal time in the spotlight.

Animation sequences like that above appear throughout the book - one spread for each enemy faction and player class.

Almost all the Hive classes are derived from Thrall - both in design and in the lore of the story, apparently.


A Hive flagship (orbiting Saturn perhaps?). I want this to be a thing. Digging deep underground is always scary - trapped in a claustrophobic ship in an infinite vacuum is scarier!


Speaking of vehicles... A good look of the Cabal land tank, something we only see in blocked, restricted, or up-close views within the game.


Continued in Post 4

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